- Recording Day two: Friday 19th JuneThis day started with my chorus echo making an appearance. It’s a tape machine that has been part of my sound since the early 80s … it’s a bit delicate now but makes a guest appearance in the studio …We are also building a couple of songs around my original garage band demos …Then we…
Read more - Recording Day One: Thursday 18th JuneKenny had set the mics up overnight ready to record …we are trying for a live feel with most of this album …so we are recording drums, bass and guitars at the same time ..so if anyone makes a mistake it’s back to the beginning! I’m upstairs in the control room with Kenny, set up…
Read more - Rehearsals Day Two: Tuesday 16th June.… more of the same, trying ideas, jamming …by the end of the day we had 5/6 possibles!
- Rehearsals Day One: Monday 15th June.Alchemy has a live room, not big but just big enough to get David’s drum kit in and the rest of us around the edges: bass amp, guitar amps, pedals … back to basics. We didn’t have a PA so I used a keyboard amp combo to sing through … I’m always nervous with new…
Read more - Lockdown begins…I moved my studio back into my house, a laptop, a keyboard, a couple of guitars and a microphone and I decided to write a song a day, well an idea a day perhaps! And as the lockdown went on, more ideas …sent on to the band, zoom chats, lots of song ideas with working…
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